Incoming Students
New Students
Incoming Freshmen
Applicants of any age who have completed high school seeking full admission to PBC with no or under 12 (twelve) transferable semester credits are considered Freshman.
Non-Traditional High School Graduates
Applicants without a high school diploma or GED should complete the Undergraduate application. Applicants must complete full admission requirements excluding high school transcript stipulation. Testing requirements may be fulfilled by taking the Wonderlic Placement Exam. Applicants who pass the Wonderlic Placement Exam are eligible for Title IV funds. PBC does not offer a GED program or an eligible career pathway program.
Transfer and Assessment of Credit for Prior Learning
For Transfer information and for Assessment of Credit, please see the Student Catalog & Handbook.
Transfer of Credit to Other Schools
Per OAR 583-030-0035(12)(b), a school without regional accreditation shall print in a separate section of its catalog titled "transfer of credit to other schools" a statement warning students verbatim that "transfer of credit is always at the discretion of the receiving school, generally depends on comparability of curricula, and may depend on comparability of accreditation.” Other comments may follow concerning the school's documented experience in credit transferability, but it must be clear that a student should make no assumptions about credit transfer.
Audit / Self–Enrichment
Audit/Self-Enrichment applications are appropriate for: Non–credit/Non-degree seeking applicants taking classes for self–enrichment.
Audit/Self-Enrichment courses are not awarded credit, and courses audited do not count toward a cumulative GPA on PBC transcripts. The registration process for auditors is the same as for credit students; however, no advising appointment is required for first–time registration. Once notified of acceptance, an auditor will receive instructions on how to register for classes online through Populi. A non–refundable $50 admission fee is required.
English Proficiency
It is essential that all students — both U.S. Citizens and international students — be able to speak, read, write, and understand English, as all instruction, reading, research and work is submitted in English.
International Students
International Applications and Admission Procedures
All international students must meet the following admission requirements to become a student at PBC. Admission is predicated on the applicant’s ability to complete successfully one of our programs as well as showing an exemplary Christian lifestyle.
International applications are appropriate for individuals who are non–immigrants to the U.S. applying for a temporary U.S visa. Applicants from other countries seeking admission should complete the Application for International Students and all necessary admission forms as provided by the school’s Admission Office. The application is found at pacificbible.edu. All
The term “international student” refers to a student who is not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. PBC reserves the right to change tuition or other costs at any time. All costs are estimates only; actual costs and expenses may vary.
PBC is authorized by the Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVIS) to receive qualified students who are enrolled in other universities on an F-1 visa provided they maintain their F–1 status.
International students are required to submit translated and certified documents attesting to academic performance in secondary school and university, when applicable. International students must also submit official documents certifying their ability to pay for all four years of their educational and personal living expenses.
International students shall submit the following 4 (four) documents:
- A copy of the student’s passport: Information page.
- Financial support documents: A bank letter, signed by a bank official, certifying that the student’s family or sponsor has sufficient funding on deposit to cover all costs of the educational and personal living expenses.
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test results (excluding Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and United Kingdom).
- A letter from the student’s family or sponsor: Family or sponsor agree to submit the necessary payment to PBC to cover all the student’s educational and personal living expenses.
Further clarification of required documents involves the following elements:
Prospective students who are not citizens of the U.S. who have applied and have been admitted by PBC will be issued a Form I–20 for the purposes of obtaining an F–1 student visa.
To be awarded a Form I–20, the student must be able to provide proof of the following:
1. English Proficiency
It is essential that all students – both U.S. Citizens and international students – be able to speak, read, write, and understand English, as all instruction, reading, research and work is submitted in English.
To determine the applicant’s proficiency in English, the applicant must take either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language.
Testing System as administered by the Educational Testing Service at the nearest examination center.
Minimum required TOEFL scores:
- PBT Score: 550
- IBT Score: 80
For a testing site near you, contact:
Educational Testing Service
P.O. Box 6155
Princeton, New Jersey 08541–6155
Phone: 609.771.7100
2. Financial Responsibility
All international applicants must establish their financial capability to meet the costs of an education at PBC. International students must demonstrate the ability to provide sufficient funds and/or have a sponsor willing to provide financial assistance to meet the student visa requirements. Any non–English documents such as transcripts, diplomas, bank statements, or test scores must be accompanied by a certified English translation. Questions concerning the visa application process should be directed to the Office Administrator.
The U.S. Department of VeteransAffairs provides Veteran Education Benefits (VA Benefits) for qualifying Veterans and their family members (dependents) to receive money to cover some or all of the costs for postsecondary education. For details on all Veterans Benefits, please visit va.gov/education.
PBC’s School Certifying Official
Amy Stonehill
Financial Aid Coordinator and
VA School Certifying Official
Email: amy.s@pacificbible.edu
Phone: 541.776.9942 Ext 7005
Facility Code for PBC is: 3-1-000937
Degree Programs
- The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
- Associate of Biblical Studies
- Associate of Liberal Arts
- Associate of Applied Science in ChristianCounseling
- Associates of Early Childhood Education
- Certificate of Christian Ministries
PBC’s degree programs are approvedby the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs State Approving Agency for theeducation and training of Veterans and other eligible persons. For details ormore information please go to: oregon.gov/odva/agency-programs.
Qualifying Veterans or their dependents who plan to attend PBC must be formally admitted into one of the above degree programs. A student who wishes to receive VA Benefits should contact the SchoolCertifying Official. All registration expenses are the responsibility of the student, and students should be prepared to follow standard PBC procedures regarding payment of their account while they wait for VA funding.
For additional information for Veteran students please see the Veterans Educational Benefits section Student Catalog & Handbook.