Assessment & Strategic Plan

PBC Mission and Strategic Planning

First and foremost, the PBC mission statement drives the strategic plan. While the Board of Trustees are the arbiters and protectors of the mission of the college, administrators are responsible for creating the strategic plan under their guidance. The strategic planning process described below is accomplished with oversight from the Board of Trustees and fidelity to the mission statement of PBC.

The Strategic Planning Process Overview

PBC’s creates a strategic plan that operates on a 5-year cycle. The five-year plan is monitored and updated annually as part of the institutional assessment process in the June – August timeframe.  Strategic plan years are defined as beginning July 01st in one calendar year and ending on June 30th of the next calendar year.  New strategic plans are developed beginning in the last quarter of the 4th year through the end of the 5th year of the current strategic plan. The processes for both annual review and new plan development will be described in the paragraphs that follow.

Mission/Vision/Strategic Goals Development

The strategic planning process begins with the President appointing a Strategic Planning Committee that consists of administration, faculty and other staff. Under the President’s guidance, the committee develops the mission, visions and goals for the new strategic plan. The President then presents these mission, vision and goals to the Board of Trustees who are the final approval authority for the 5-year plan.  The President and the Board of Trustees work together in accomplishing an approved strategic plan which must be accomplished before July 01st of year-one of the new 5-year cycle.

Annual Monitoring and Updating

The annual monitoring process is accomplished throughout the year with each administrator responsible for accomplishment of their responsibilities designated in the plan. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness is responsible for assessing goal accomplishment and updating of the strategic plan during PBC’s institutional assessment process in the July – August timeframe. The outcomes of that assessment process are provided to the Board of Trustees in August – September.

2016 Institutional Self-Study

The Institutional Self-Study is a comprehensive and structured review of our performance as determined by internal stakeholders against our accreditation standards and our own assessment metrics. Click on the link below to view the entire document.

Institutional Assessment

Pacific Bible College defines Institutional Effectiveness (IE) as continual self-improvement through evidence-based decision making. Fundamental to institutional effectiveness at PBC is an organized, documented, and sustainable Institutional Assessment Plan that is used to guide assessment of student learning outcomes at the course, program, and institutional levels, as well as the goals of administration and service units. The results of these assessments are shared with the community to provide assurances that the administration, faculty, and staff of PBC are concerned with the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of the College and drive improvement.

Institutional Assessment Mission Statement

The mission of Institutional Assessment at PBC is to evaluate the efficiency of programmatic, unit, and operational goals in a comprehensive, systematic, and reliable format that demonstrates the College is effectively accomplishing its mission.

Institutional Assessment Goals

  1. Collect, analyze, and share institutional-wide data that is used for continued institutional improvements, as well as providing evidence of how PBC College is fulfilling its mission and achieving its strategic goals.
  2. Recommend new assessment processes and measurement tools.
  3. Persistently research institutional effectiveness with the goal to remain current about the best practices in the areas of assessment, analysis, and how to use the results.
  4. Maintain and edit, as needed, the institutional summative assessment report.